C++: Difference between int* and int& and int

Actually what I want to mention is the new type, reference, introduced via c++, but here I just use int&as an example.


it is apperantly an integer type we are quite familiar with.


This is a type of int pointer. Since it points at int, so it will read 4 byte to represent an integer and return the first byte. (In C, we do not take it as a type, it is something kinda like an address, and it it presented as int *p)


int& is a reference to a pointer. Literally it is just a 'nickname' of an integer. int a; int& p = a;p can be used just like an integer with all operations.

So why reference is introduced?

A: if we do not use reference, there will be something wrong with passing values to function (still we can still solve it via pointer). For example, in a vector class, we have a function that will return a modifiable value of an entry. So we have to introduce reference.

Note: reference is just another name of its origianl type, so it will not allocate a new memory space for it, thus an reference without initilizatin is not permitted, int& p; // error