SVM(Support Vector Machine)






Linear Seperatable SVM


Problem Definition

对于线性分类器的超平面为:\(X^TW+b=0\)。We define those with \(X^TW+b>1\) is labeled +1, which means geometrically the left-top part of the line is labeled positive.


So we can see that \(margin = \frac{2}{||W||}\). We want to maximum margin which is same with \(min||W||^2\).

[primal problem]

The whole problem can be written as :

\(min||W||^2, \ st. y_i(X_i^TW+b)>=1\).

How to find W, b

If all the data is linear seperatable, those points that determine margin are called support vectors. For support vectors we have: \(y_i(X_i^TW+b)=1\). For other points, they have no influence on this algorithm so that this algorithm is called SVM.

NonLinear Seperatable SVM

Since the data is not linear speratable itself, we allow SVM has some mistakes--soft margin.

hinge loss

We will modify our objective function by adding hinge loss

(\(l_{hinge}=max(0,1-z), z=y_i(X_i^TW+b)\)).

Objective function: \(min \ ||W||^2+C\Sigma l_{hinge}\). C is hyper-parameter. If C->0, the model allows any mistakes--easily undercutting; if C->∞, the model is same with Linear Speratable SVM--easily overfitting.

[primal problem]

The whole problem can be written as:

\(min||W||^2+C\Sigma_i\xi_i, \ st.y_i(X_i^TW+b)>=1-\xi_i,\xi>=0\).

What if the sample is totally nonlinear seperatable?


Introduce Lagranginan function and we get dual form of primal problem:

\(min_{\alpha}\Sigma_i^n\Sigma_j^n\alpha_i\alpha_jy_iy_j(X_i\cdot X_j)-\Sigma_i^n\alpha_i. \ st. \Sigma_i^n\alpha_iy_i=0, \ 0\leq\alpha_i<C\).

We can choose proper kernel \(K\) to replace \((X_i\cdot X_j)\).