English Vocabulary

  1. Groundwater(地下水) is the word used to describe water that saturates(渗透、浸透) the ground.

  2. By far(到目前为止) the most abundant(大量的、充足的) type of groundwater is meteoric(大气的;流星的) water.

  3. circulate(v. 循环;流通;流传)

  4. precipitation(化学沉淀;降水;冰雹;坠落)

  5. sand grains(沙粒)--grain(谷物;颗粒)

  6. The commonest spaces are those among the particles sand grains and tiny pebbles(卵石) of loose, unconsolidated(松散的) sand and gravel(沙砾).

  7. bed(床;河床)

  8. They are found wherever(adv. 任何地方) fast rivers carrying loads of(大量的) coarse(粗糙的) sediment(沉淀物) once flowed(流动、涌动).

  9. ice sheet(冰盖)--sheet(纸张;薄片;板)

  10. melt away(vi. 融化、消失)

  11. lade(装载)-laded-laden->be laden with...

  12. glacial outwash(冰水沉积)--outwash(术语,专指冰水沉积)

  13. sandbar(沙洲)

  14. cement(水泥;粘合剂)--cemented(粘合的;压实的)

  15. minute(n. 分钟;备忘录;一会 adj. 微小的)

  16. So much for... 到此为止是关于...

  17. pore(毛孔;气孔)--porous(多孔的)

  18. percolate(渗透;过滤)--percolating water(渗透水)

  19. Most crystalline(结晶的、晶体的) rocks are much more solid; a common exception is basalt(玄武岩), a form of solidified(凝固的) volcanic(火山的;火山岩) lava(岩浆), which is sometimes full of tiny bubbles that make it very porous.

  20. cling to...(附着在...;坚持...;紧抓着...)

  21. be thought of as... (被视为...)

  22. film(电影;胶卷;薄膜)--thin film(薄膜)

  23. champion(n. 冠军;拥护者 vt. 支持、拥护)

  24. anthropologist(人类学家)

  25. envision(vt. 想象、假想)

  26. emerge out of...(从...中出现)

  27. ritual(n. 仪式;礼节 adj. 礼仪的)

  28. attribute...to...(把...归结于...)

  29. Complaints seemed to be an everyday occurrence(事件).

  30. Perceiving(意识到) an apparent connection between certain actions performed by the group and the result it desires, the group repeats, refines(精细化), and formalizes(使...形式化) those actions into fixed ceremonies(礼节), or rituals(宗教仪式).

  31. representative(adj. 典型的 n. 代表;典型;众议员)

  32. costume(服饰;戏服)--custom(n. 习惯;风俗 adj. 定制的)

  33. mythical(神话中的;虚构的)

  34. As a people becomes more sophisticated(见多识广的;复杂精巧的;先进的), its conceptions of supernatural forces and causal relationships may change.

  35. act out...(表演...)

  36. autonomous activity(自发行动)

  37. efficacious(灵验的--常用于宗教相关)

  38. Thus, the recalling of an event (a hunt, battle, or other feat(伟绩--可数)) is elaborated(详细表达) through the narrator's pantomime(手势;哑剧) and impersonation(n. 模仿) and eventually through each role being assumed(承担) by a different person.

  39. pantomimic(哑剧的) rhythmical(有节奏的) gymnastic(体育的)

  40. virtuosity(精湛技艺)

  41. antecedent(先祖;前因;起源)

  42. set forth(提出;出发)--He sets forth his objections.

  43. Thus, fantasy or fiction (of which drama is one form) permits people to objectify(具像化) their anxieties and fears.

  44. penchant(嗜好、倾向)--penchant for...

  45. One necessary condition(条件) seems to be a somewhat(有点) detached(脱离的;客观的) view of human problems.

  46. detachment(n. 超然)--a sort of lofty detachment

  47. deviation(背离) from social norms

  48. vegetation(植被;植物)

  49. deciduous trees(落叶树、阔叶树)

  50. deform(扭曲、畸形)

  51. prone(易于...俯卧的)--be prone to dry out

  52. prevalent 普遍的、常见的

  53. Paraphrase

  54. Detrimental 有害的

  55. RTPCR covid test

  56. a handful of 几个

  57. We are quarantined because of the epidemic.

  58. lockdown n. 隔离

  59. We do not have many options

  60. 9 months later — 9 months from now

  61. 2 months earlier — 2 months ago

  62. Career path

  63. The Chinese market is still in its infancy

  64. insignificant

  65. Eastern culture

  66. Japan and China really have a close eastern style culture which is not so noticeable in S. Korea.

  67. It was not a costly holiday destination. Accommodation was reasonably priced but food was expensive.

  68. Figures of speech == idiom

  69. Work your finger to the bone == work very hard

  70. A mover and a shaker == someone is respected / popular

  71. Pull his weight == to do your fair share of the work

  72. A fish out of water == not feeling in your comfort zone

  73. Don’t make wave == don’t make troubles; do what others are doing

  74. Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water == only focus on what really matters.

  75. Don’t wash your clothes in public == don’t tell private things to people that you may not be able to trust; keep thing private

  76. Wet behind the ears == has a lot to learn

  77. bribery n. 贿赂

  78. Provision = plan supply; emergency provision

  79. Hybrid car,electric vehicle(EV)

  80. Studious 好学的

  81. Preposition 介词

  82. -ing form= gerund 动名词 in gerund form

  83. Acoustic 声学的、听觉的、音响的

  84. Acoustics 音响效果

  85. snorkeling 浮潜(有通气管)

  86. nurse shark

  87. Ethnicity 种族

  88. Segregation 种族隔离

  89. spark = arouse

  90. boycott n. 贸易/文化地址

  91. Unconstitutional 违反宪法

  92. sides 配菜

  93. Multi-cultual = diverse

  94. Risotto 意大利烩饭

  95. mins 牛肉末

  96. Light-hearted 轻松的

  97. sensual 感性的

  98. bistro 小酒馆

  99. Knit 针织衫 v. 编织

  100. be up for it 准备好

  101. Autentic 真实的 可信的 正宗的

    1. authentic charm
    2. authentic Chines e food
  102. celebrity crush 喜欢的明星

  103. just browse 随便看看

  104. conspire v. 密谋

  105. conspiracy n. 密谋

  106. superfluous 多余的

  107. extravagance n. 挥霍

  108. extravagant adj. 挥霍的

  109. Burn a hole in one’s pocket 花钱如流水

  110. Sanction(s) n. 制裁

  111. Peasant(s) n. 农民

  112. Perceive v. 感受

    1. My friend is perceived as hard working.
  113. Resentment n. 气愤

  114. Subordinate n. 下属 adj. 次要的、从属的 v. 使…服从

  115. Christianity 基督教

  116. Atheist 无神论者

  117. Predicament 困境(通常不好)

  118. Dilemma 窘境

  119. Economic recession 经济衰退

  120. To speak for itself 不言自明

    1. Let the fact speak for itself.
  121. Astutely 精明地

  122. Abbreviation 简写

  123. gist n. 主旨

  124. proposition 命题、主张、观点

  125. deliverable 应交付的产品/成果

  126. stakeholder 利益相关者

  127. Lowdown (the most important things)

    1. Lowdown on sb./sth.
  128. Instinct 本能

  129. Creeping 悄然进行的(of a bad thing)

  130. Adolescent adj. 青少年的 = teenage

    1. Adolescent children
  131. Adolescence 青少年期

  132. Podcast 播客节目

  133. Aberration n. 反常

  134. Aberrant adj. 反常的

  135. Abhor=detest=hate v. 憎恨 abhor eating chicken

  136. abhorrent adj. 令人厌恶的

  137. abhorrence n. 憎恶

    1. He had an abhorrence of waste of water.
  138. Wound up = as the result of sth.

  139. Acquiesce v. to agree without protesting 默许(reluctantly)

    1. acquiesce in/to sth.
  140. Acquiescence n. 默许

    1. There is general acquiescence in UN sanctions.
  141. Acquiescent adj. 默认的 顺从的

    1. Peasants was proved more acquiescent than had been expected.
  142. Alacrity n. 乐意 accept it with alacrity

  143. Amiable = friendly

  144. Appease = relieve v. 缓解

    1. Appease sb. -> make sb calmer by giving them what they want
  145. Appeasement n.

    1. A policy of appeasement 安抚政策
  146. Arcane = obscure 神秘的

  147. Arcana n. 神秘

  148. Smug adj. 沾沾自喜

  149. Avarice n. = Greed

  150. Avaricious adj. = Greedy

  151. Brazen adj. 自以为是的

  152. Condemn vt. 批评(更正式)

  153. Plagiarise vt. 抄袭

  154. Scam vt. 诈骗 scam people out of money

  155. Brusque adj. (形容某种行为、性格)寡言而无礼 (rude, offensive)

  156. Abrupt adj. 意外的、唐突的 (rude)

  157. Dismissive adj. 轻蔑的