Git Tips

  1. check local modification

    1. git stash temporally store modification in stash.
    2. git stash pop restore modification from stash.
    3. git checkout . cancel all local modification.
    4. git reset --hard HASH reset to certain HASH commit, losing all local modification.
  2. ssh -T test your ssh connection with github.

  3. for certain case: you may need to last commitment ;create another branch, then go back to master branchgit cherry-pick <commit id>

    1. git cherry-pick is a powerful command that enables arbitrary git commits to be picked by reference and appended to the current working branch HEAD. It is the act of picking commit from a branch and applying it to another branch.
  4. show your git remote repository

    1. git remote -v or git remote show orgin
  5. modified git commit comments

    1. if you just want to modify the comment that you just committed.
      1. git commit --amend (please use vim as default in terminal)
      2. git push -f
    2. if you just want to modify the last \(N^{th}\) comment that you just committed.
      1. git rebase -i HEAD~N first you go back
      2. modify the comment and replace pick with edit in corresponding line
      3. git commit --amend do it again
      4. git rebase --continue you can come back now
      5. git push -f
    3. if you have local modification, try git stash (to archive modifications) and git stash pop (restore)