Intel Internship


This is a public repository of recommender. It will be replaced by DeepRec.

training on easyrec

  1. pull repo from github

    $ git clone
    $ cd EasyRec/
  2. download dataset

  3. generate .py file based on proto

    bash scripts/

  4. install dependency

    pip install -r requirements/runtime.txt

    pip install -r requirements/tests.txt

  5. train existing model

    python -m easy_rec.python.train_eval --pipeline_config_path samples/model_config/<selected model>
  6. open dashboard

    cd EasyRec/experiments/<selected model>

    tensorboard --logdir .


This is a public repository of alibaba recommender. It is an upgraded version of EasyRec.

testing on deeprec

  1. build wheel and image

    ./ci_build bazel_build cpu

  2. enter container

    CI_DOCKER_EXTRA_PARAMS=-it ./ci_build bash

  3. install environment in container

    pip install wheels/tensorflow/<.whl>

  4. build wheel

    ./ci_build bazel_build cpu

Alibaba Remote Machine

Connect to alibaba remote machine.

set proxy in MobaXterm.

K83 usage – with kubectl

  1. check nodes kubectl get nodes, --all-namespaces to get all nodes under different namespaces

  2. check existing tfjobs kubectl get tfjobs -o wide

    note: if the tfjob you are intending to create already exists, delete this tfjob kubectl delete tfjob <tfjob name>

  3. create a new tfjob kubectl create -f <.yaml>

  4. check pod status watch -n 1 kubectl get pods -o wide

    note: if the status is pending, try change the parameter of resources in you yaml file

  5. check training log kubectl logs -f <tfjob name>-chief-0