Maketing Techniques

Marketing Techniques -- from MKT Manager Ms. Jorie

Sharing from Marketing Department Leader

Know your customer

Note that: Our delivery is our service -- not just the product (container leasing is not an exclusive business)

  • Find something in common with your customer -- eg. habit, logo, color of company, background of slides, use local language
  • Find what they really need (apart from your business) -- like the security need, cross-department bottleneck
  • Build connection --> business lunch, casual walk
  • Breaking ice and build trust --> bring a coffee and talk what they like (eg. special name)
  • Cross Department Collaboration --> start from consent

How to communicate

For MKT, staffs are distributed globally. The communication should be precise and clear.

  • Focus on 1. what is the general case 2. what is the corner case (be honest if u do not know) --> make sure the audience fully understand

  • Communicate in standard format. Consider using a template or a well organized system. eg. like date formate.

  • Build communication log --> who did that and why --> that's how to find the original version and find the man in charge.

  • Knowledge should be well-documented. --> new recruiter training manual / frequent Q&A

  • Internal collaboration --> show the pros and cons. and let the leader decide

  • How the decline --> why we cannot do that / we need internal discussion / we need to report leader